
Property Industry Presentations

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Property Industry Presentations Over the last 3 months.

Over the past few months, Civix Directors Nick and Duncan and Principal Planner Jessica, have presented to hundreds of agents, professionals and property owners across Auckland and online, about the changes to the Resource Management Act and how this affects planning rules and practice. With Auckland Council’s release of Plan Change 78 in August, we can now see the final format of these changes, with a number of sites affected by last minute alterations to the maps, including listed “Qualifying Matters” that will push out the timeframes for the new Medium Density Residential Standards to take effect. The processes and interpretations from Council are likely to evolve as the Plan Change progresses, so it is more important than ever to understand these changes, and how they will affect developments across the region. If you haven’t yet attended one of our presentations, or have attended and are keen to hear the latest updates, please get in touch with our team. These planning sessions are a great opportunity to ask questions and discuss what is happening in the planning field, both in Auckland and across the country. The feedback to these has been overwhelmingly positive with follow up presentations booked to keep people informed on these changes and other planning related matters.

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